Thursday, February 25, 2010

And I shall be buried in Spain

In the café where I'm sitting there are always little slogans that are supposed to make "you" feel good. Today's is
Счастье - это когда тебя понимают...по-твоему.

["Happiness" is when (everyone) understands you in your own way]
At first I thought: "Sentimental crap." And then I thought: "This really upsets me."

Break it down: "тебя понимают" - there's another voice, the author's "I" - that doesn't figure into this at all. As if that one could teach "you" exactly how to be happy.

"They" - an unquantifiable, general, external, collective. And to put the meaning of the whole adage in just a slightly different cast: "You'll be happy as long as you've conformed to everyone's wishes."

I no longer want the superpower I earlier said I wanted. Now I want to edit and revise my writings to the point where I can say
1. I understand everything that I was trying to say there.
2. I could never say it a better way.
Nevermind whether they understand or not. I will still be happy.

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