Gay people can be heteronormative. Heteronormativity is the logic that stems from a reprosexual way of looking at the world. A reprosexual way of looking at the world is one in which the ideas of male, female, partnership, love, family, sex, marriage, mother, father are given meaning only in relation to heterosexual reproduction [hence: love is for marriage, which is for family, which is for having children, which are either male or female, who will have children themselves]. Gay people can internalize this logic as well, trumpeting their ability to reproduce [both children and norms].
Fortunately, reproduction is not the only thing that gives the world meaning (especially today, as overpopulation depletes the world’s resources) [and even if it were, humans are capable of reproducing outside of heteronormative conditions—i.e. marriage and families]. I’m curious what our idea of love would look like if it weren’t all tied up in reprosexuality. One thing is certain—we wouldn’t need to have holidays to test our allegiance (skills at) to normativity.
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