Let's, for a moment, pretend that the capitalist oppressors and thinkers are correct, and capitalist-model democracy is the be-all, end-all of human institutions. And yet even in this "ultimate state" of human endeavors we see laziness, greed, black desires (cheating, stealing, etc., etc.) So if there is a teleological bend to some Great Story we haven't yet guessed, hopefully this isn't it. But we're operating under the hypothesis that it is.
Scarily, it would make sense with what we know of the physical world. Life is the #1 cause of death. The second law of thermodynamics: a percentage of all reactions is transformed into entropy, or unusable energy.
Perhaps capitalism is the be-all, end-all. Perhaps it's entropy.
Image: The Communist Party, available at threadless.com.
(You get the irony, right? I'm...pimping...an internet seller...aw, forget it.)
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